Event Regulations 2024


Welcome to the HISTORIC RALLY FESTIVAL based in and around Telford. We would like to thank our supporting groups, Telford Town Council, Apley Estates and Another Estate to be announced towards the date and Willey Estates for their valued support in helping this event go ahead. We would also like to thank Owen Motor club, Cannock and District Motor Club for their help in setting stages and running and marshalling them.


  • Rallying History Club
  • Apley Estates
  • Willey Estates
  • Clerks of the Course: Tim Harding
  • Deputy Clerk of the course: Dan Lister
  • MSUK Head Marshall
  • MSUK safety Delegate
  • MSUK Scrutineers
  • All Officials and Marshalls

Supplementary Regulations

1 Announcements

Rallying History with organise a Certificate of Exemption permit Stage Rally Demonstration on 5th/6th October. The event will be organised to the requirements of Motorsport UK and will be known as Historic rally Festival 2024

  • Certificate of Exemption Number : TBC
  • Certificate of Exemption D5.1.5 (b) for a Stage Rally Demonstration.

2 Jurisdiction

The Event will be run and governed by the rules of Rallying History and there are set guidelines for any demonstration event. It will follow The FIA Historic Demonstration Rules, with specific regard to Safety, Driver/Co-Driver protective attire and vehicle movement timing, This Festival will NOT be a competitive timed event.

3. Authorisation

The Event will run Motorsport UK Regulations and Declarations and run under a Permit Certificate of Exemption D5.1.5 (b) for a Stage Rally Demonstration.

4. Eligibility

The event is open to: -

  • All fully paid members of Rallying History.

If you are not a member of the club you must be a fully paid member at the time of entry.

Drivers must have, or have held, a stage rally licence, If they have held a stage rally licence in the past they can have an MSUK licence now. Navigators must have the free MSUK licence (RS Clubman) minimum or anything higher.

5. Event Time Table Saturday 5th Oct/ Sunday 6th October 2024

October 5th:

  • 7.00am to 8.30am Rally Packs to be collected from Information Bus in Service
  • First car leaves service at 9.30am and heads to Unamed Estate
  • Cars will run 30sec Gaps
  • Scrutineering at: A designated area at the Service
  • 10am Car 1 on the Ceremonial start at Unamed estate
  • 2.30pm All cars to Return to Service.
  • 4.00pm Car 1 heads to Apley Farm Shop for regroup.
  • 5pm Car 1 heads to Apley Estates for stage 4 & 5
  • Cars Return to service

October 6th:

  • 8.30am First car to leave service and head Willey Estates stage 6. Then onto Apley Estates stage 7
  • 9.15am Car1 at MC1 Cars will run 30sec Gaps
  • Return to service, then out for stage 8 and 9
  • Return to service then out for stages 10 and 11
  • 17.28pm Approx. Car1 due at MC2 finish
  • 17.40pm Approx. Car1 due at HQ in Service Area 

6. Classes

The event will consist of classes

  • Group 1
  • Group 2
  • Group 4
  • Group N
  • Group A
  • Group B
  • Early WRC
  • Specials

7. Entries

Entries will be accepted from all crews that meet the above criteria, with the selected entries being acknowledged and by email from the Selection Committee.

Successful applicants will be emailed directly on 29th May 2024.

The entry fee for this event will be £495.00p

On receipt of email you will have 14 days from 29th May to forward the entry fee to the account supplied with the acknowledgement, should your entry fee NOT be received by this date (12thJune 2024).  Your entry will be void and the place will be offered to the next Applicant. (selected in numerical order).

Entries Cancelled after the 31st August 2024 will not be refunded, but a rollover can be offered if requested, you will only pay MSUK admin fee on the following year.

You will be emailed an entry form to complete and fill in along with a spectator information sheet which must be completed.

All Payments will need to be made by electronic transfer only.

The maximum entries for this event will be limited to 80 Cars, plus reserves. The minimum is 65, should the minimum entry for the event not be reached, the organisers reserve the right to cancel the event.

Entries withdrawn in writing or email before closing date 30/7/2024 will be refunded less an administration charge of £25.00p entries withdrawn after that but before 30/08/2024 will be refunded less 50%, any after that will be given no refund.

Start numbers will be allocated in vehicles age order with slowest at the front.

Celebrity drivers will run at the back of the field.

8. Penalties

Penalties will not be given as the FESTIVAL is a NONE-timed event, however, as this is a demonstration event, cars will be driven at pace and should be driven in a safe and exciting manor.

Penalties will be issued for Running out of seeded number order (each time they arrive at stage time control)
Speeding on road sections and arrival early at time control.
Driving outside specified drivers briefing orders.
Dangerous driving onstage deemed to be outside the drivers capability.
All Penaties will be given by the clerk of the course.

Any driver found to be driving dangerously or in a manor deemed to be dangerous, or beyond acceptable, will be asked to leave the event with no further participation. (The Chief Marshall and Organising Committee will reserve the right to refuse any participant entry to the Stages directly following any breach of the above criteria).

There are road sections in this event and as such ALL participating vehicles MUST be road legal regarding CURRENT MOT CERTIFICATE and a ROAD FUND LICENCE  (unless due the registered age of the vehicle TAX exempt). The Police have offered their services and will be in attendance on routes. They will have a strong presence along the routes to and from Stages you will be strongly advised to adhere to all Road Traffic regulations whilst using the public highways.

(Again, the Chief Marshall and Organising Committee reserve the right to exclude anyone reported for failure to comply with these requests).

9. Safety

A Warning triangle and SOS/OK boards are to be carried and used in the event of an incident or break down within any of the Stages. The “RED FLAG’ procedure will operate on this event a map of red flag / radio locations will be included with your road book.

A first aid kit is advisory, but a small spill kit MUST be carried in all participating vehicles.

In date seatbelts are compulsory but seats can be out of date as long in good order. Suits, Helmets, Head restraint and Balaclava all in line with current MSUK rules, you will not be allowed to enter stage if these requirements are not met

10. Retirements

If you retire on a stage, your car will be pushed to a safe place wherever possible and remain there until the stage Closing Car has been and your vehicle location noted, then your car will be recovered to a safe holding area within the grounds. It is then your responsibility to have car collected from the allocated area.

Re-Joining - As the FESTIVAL is a NON-Timed event, arrangements are in place with notice to the Chief Marshall or Official, to allow your repaired vehicle to re-start at the next available Stage.

The Overall Timing Plan will be available in the Service Area and once notice of a successful repair has been logged with an Official, you will then be allowed to re-join at a selected interval.

Please Note. Repairs will be in line with presenting the vehicle as Road Worthy and may be subject to Scrutineer’s inspection.

11. Insurance

The club has applied to MarshMotorsport Insurance for a blanket cover note under the Motor Sports Club Scheme this will provide the competitors who need to use the scheme with third party cover necessary to meet RTA requirements on the road sections of the event.

The basic rate for the event (before any loadings) is £35 To comply applicants will: -

  • Over 19 and held a full licence for at least 6 months
  • Has had 2 or less fault claims in the last 3 years
  • Has less than 9 points on licence
  • No physical or mental disabilities

The Event will run under a MSUK Permit and will be covered by MSUK Insurance and run under permit Certificate of Exemption D5.1.5 (b) for a Stage Rally Demonstration.

12. Scrutineering

All vehicles must comply with Rallying History’s compliance list and must carry,

  • Foreign cars/Entrants must carry their appropriate paperwork for their vehicle.
  • All vehicles (no matter what age) must produce a valid MOT. To prove that the vehicle meets with current highways regulations.
  • Proof of Road Tax/MOT will be required at signing on.

For the duration of this event ALL competitors must use Tarmac Tyres, NO gravel tyres permitted please be aware that E marked tyres are advised due to road sections and UK road traffic regulations. Anyone found to be using Gravel Tyres will be excluded.

13. Format

This event is 40% Tarmac (20% smooth and 20% broken tarmac), 40% hard compact dirt road and 20% gravel, all verges are soft (grass) so measures will be taken to stop cutting corners. 

All stages will be run by a Map format. NO pace notes or Stage Recces by support crews permitted. 

International timing used, you will be given due arrival times for each Stage, a Stage -Start time, with no finish time being awarded.

Stage mileage - 48 miles approx and Road Liason 66 miles approx

Road sections will be based upon an average speed to comply with the local road speed restrictions in operation.

Each stage arrival control will have a maximum lateness of not more than 20mins.

Should any vehicle arrive beyond their maximum lateness, they will be refused entry to the stage and will be asked to re-join at the next available period.

14. Servicing

Service will be held at Telford at the car park next to the Police station. TF3 4BX you will be given allocated area to set up.

Trailers will need to be parked in a Designated Secured Area, NOT in you pit space. No trailers are allowed in the service area due to insurance stipulation.

One service Vehicle and Demonstrating car Only per service space.

Refuelling is permitted in service but you MUST have a fire extinguisher on display in service bay on the out corner by fuel filler.

The road book will be set out as to pass fuel stations for those who run pump fuel.

All service spaces must have a ground sheet.

15. Format

The Event will run 12 stages over 2 days

  • Saturday 5th
    3 in the am - 1 stage run three times at Unnamed Estate
    3 in the pm - 1 stage run 3 times at Apley at Dusk

  • Sunday 1st
    3 stages around Apley Estates - 
    3 Stages on Single track Roads In Borsley ( Willey Estates )

There will be 1 service stops on Saturday after 3 stages
Sunday there will be 2 service, service will be open to the public.

The event will cease running on Sunday at Apley Estates @ 17.00 pm under all circumstances.

The Motor Club running the stages within the Parks have an exceptional relationship with the local community and to ensure future use of the venues they wish to keep it that way.

  • Stage mileage will be approx. 48 miles approx
  • Road mileage will be approx. 66 miles approx (to be confirmed once road route agreed with Council)
  • Total Rally Route will be 114miles

16. Cameras

On board cameras are permitted but must be fitted before scrutineering. No hand held devices to be used on stages.

17. Official Photographers

The official photographers for this event are:

  • Capture your car photography
  • Richard Armon Photography
  • Mark Sims Rally Gallery

RALLYING HISTORY and their Associates would like to thank you for your application, we look forward to providing both an enjoyable spectacle for both the Driver/co‐driver and the public.

We are bringing a Continental style Rally Festival to our shores, ensuring that the UK Rallying enthusiast will be rewarded with a spectacle of wonderful Iconic cars from the World of Rallying’s Golden era.

We trust that everyone who takes part will have both an enjoyable and fun weekend.

Thank you once again,

Yours Sincerely,


Spectator Tickets Now Available


Copyright © Historic Rally Festival. All Rights Reserved.